Keep your staff on the floors. We’ll handle your late payers and delinquent clients, while managing a massive—and massively overlooked—revenue stream: getting lapsed members back on draft.

A Cash Flow Recovery Solution for the Fitness Industry

We’re Zeroed In
On Fitness

We collect on just ONE vertical: fitness. We come from the industry and we know what it takes to engage past-due members and get them back on draft.

We’re Counselors,
Not Collectors

We encourage past-due members to get caught up—and get back on draft, driving more revenue for your business.

We’re on the Clock,
16-Hours a Day

Our North American-based call center dial across 3 time zones, skyrocketing repayments and re-enrollments.

We Use Predictive Models
and Call-Time Analytics

We’ve zeroed in on the best times to call, and exactly what to say—and all your data is stored cryptographically.

You know the numbers…

0 %
of gym memberships
go completely unused.
0 %
of new sign-ups stop hitting
the gym six months in.

The real problem. When no-show members become non-paying members—when inactive members forget to update their billing information or, in some cases, opt to simply stop paying. That’s where SWIFT comes in.

Source: Statistic Brain Research Research Institute

Download our latest ebook,
How Outstanding Collections
Impact Your Gym

Get an insider’s view at how past-due payments and lapsed members are impacting your business— and how to not just plug the gap, but create a new revenue stream.

SWIFT is proud to be an affiliate of Financial Services, the leaders in gym and club billing software services.
SWIFT is fully-compliant with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

Download our latest ebook

How Outstanding
Collections Impact Your Gym